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Access to Information on the Environment

The Access to Information on the Environment ("AIE") Regulations provide a definition of environmental information, outline the manner in which requests for information may be submitted to public authorities. and the manner in which public authorities are required to deal with requests, e.g., timeframes for response etc. The Regulations also provide for a formal appeals procedure in the event that a requested is unhappy with a decision on their request.

Our Bilingual Guide sets out information on the Regulations and how to obtain Information on the Environment.

Under Directive 2003/4/EC of the European Parliament and given effect to the European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations, 2007-2014 (the A.I.E. Regulations) all individuals of the state are entitled to request access to information on the environment that is held by Public Bodies, including the CEA. The Directive covers information held by the office in written, visual, oral, electronic or any other material form that relates to environmental matters.

How to Request Environmental Information:
If you wish to request access to information on the environment that the CEA holds, please submit your request in writing and state that the application is being made under the European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations 2007-2014. Please provide contact details including a telephone number, if possible, and state, in clear terms, the environmental information required and specify the form and manner of access desired.
Requests should be sent to customerservice@cea.gov.ie